Inequities in health are ubiquitous. I aim to understand the social, structural, and biological processes that create and perpetuate them. Using expertise in medical sociology, health demography, and health policy, I’ve published sole and collaborative work in top sociology (Social Forces), medical sociology (Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Social Science & Medicine), demography (Demography), social networks (Social Networks), and medical (JAMA Pediatrics) journals. My current collaborative work is funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation where I am an Interdisciplinary Research Leader.
I have recently served and/or currently serve on national committees (American Sociological Association; Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Sciences), and have served on editorial boards (Journal of Health and Social Behavior; Social Science & Medicine –Mental Health). I am also an affiliate of the Center for Research on Race & Ethnicity in Society and the Health Equity Advancing through Learning Health Systems Research (HEAL-R) Collaborative.